Gonzalo Garrido-Lecca
Compositor / Composer

Photo by Carla Leví
Gonzalo Garrido-Lecca is a Peruvian composer whose work encompasses a wide range of musical genres, from symphonic compositions and chamber music to electronic media, piano, vocal pieces, music in folk style, and progressive rock. He has also created incidental music for the theater, film, dance, and video art. Some of his most prominent orchestral works include "Solar," "Tarkas", "Danza de la tierra," and "Esperanza", while his chamber pieces such as "Alemí," "Octatonic Dances," "Fábulas," and "Trio Ritual" showcase his esthetic stance.
Throughout his career, Gonzalo has had the opportunity to collaborate with renowned musical organizations and artists, including the LA Philharmonic, Gustavo Dudamel, North/South Consonance, ConTempus Ensemble, Vivazza Sinfonietta of Germany, Y Music, National Symphony Orchestra of Peru, The Philharmonic Orchestra of Lima, The Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, The Verdehr Trio, saxophonist Thimothy McAllister, flutist Mimi Stillman, Cellist Gabriel Cabezas, Dolce Suono Ensemble, conductors Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Carlos Andrés Botero, and Fernando Valcárcel, guitarist Raúl García Zárate, video artist Mustafa Hulusi, choreographer Patricia Awapara, Circulo Trio, flutist Emily Roberts, pianist Mario Alvarado, violinist Daniela Diaz, and Ensemble Surbon, among many others.
Gonzalo received his musical education at the National Conservatory of Lima and the Royal Conservatory of Madrid, and later pursued further studies at Michigan State University in the United States, where he earned a doctoral degree in composition and a master's degree in music theory. He was mentored by a number of highly regarded musicians, including his father Celso, Enrique Iturriaga, Oscar Zamora, Antón García Abril, Manuel Seco de Arpe, Manuel Martínez Burgos, Jere Hutchinson, Ricardo Lorenz, Gordon Sly, Teresa Quesada, and Marina Pavlovna, among others. He has been honored with prizes and awards in recognition of his contributions to the world of music.
Gonzalo Garrido-Lecca es un compositor peruano cuya obra abarca una amplia gama de géneros musicales, desde composiciones sinfónicas y música de cámara, hasta medios electrónicos, solos de piano, piezas vocales, música en estilo folklórico y rock progresivo. También ha creado música incidental para teatro, cine, danza y video arte. Algunas de sus obras orquestales más prominentes incluyen "Solar", "Tarkas", "Danza de la tierra" y "Esperanza", mientras que piezas de cámara como "Alemí", "Danzas Octatónicas", "Fábulas" y "Trio Ritual" muestran su postura estética.
A lo largo de su carrera, Gonzalo ha tenido la oportunidad de colaborar con reconocidas organizaciones y artistas musicales, incluyendo LA Philharmonic, Gustavo Dudamel, North / South Consonance, ConTempus Ensemble, Vivazza Sinfonietta de Alemania, Y Music, Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Perú, la Orquesta Filarmónica de Lima, la Orquesta Sinfónica de Fort Worth, el Trio Verdehr, el saxofonista Thimothy McAllister, la flautista Mimi Stillman, el Cellista Gabriel Cabezas, Dolce Suono Ensemble, los conductores Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Carlos Andrés Botero y Fernando Valcárcel, el guitarrista Raúl García Zárate, el artista de video Mustafa Hulusi, la coreógrafa Patricia Awapara, Circulo Trio, la flautista Emily Roberts, el pianista Mario Alvarado, la violinista Daniela Diaz y Ensemble Surbon, entre muchos otros.
Gonzalo recibió su educación musical en el Conservatorio Nacional de Lima y en el Real Conservatorio de Madrid, y más tarde realizó estudios de postgrado en Michigan State University en los Estados Unidos, donde obtuvo un doctorado en composición y una maestría en teoría musical. Entre sus maestros se cuentan una serie de músicos reconocidos, incluyendo a su padre Celso, Enrique Iturriaga, Oscar Zamora, Antón García Abril, Manuel Seco de Arpe, Manuel Martínez Burgos, Jere Hutchinson, Ricardo Lorenz, Gordon Sly, Teresa Quesada y Marina Pavlovna, entre otros. Ha sido honrado con premios y distintivos en reconocimiento a sus contribuciones al mundo de la música.